The deposit of fats threatens your overall health and significantly
influences the work of your organs like:heart, liver, kidneys, joints,
mostly knees and hips.
People who suffer from obesity usually have a greater risk
of being affected by diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, disturbing
of the function of the gall-bladder, gout etc.
If you have a problem with excess of kilograms and you want to dispose of them,
try this simple beverage.
- 1 lemon
- 60 grams of parsley
- 3 oz of water
Squeeze the lemon, chop the parsley, put it in a bowl and cover it with
Consume this beverage every morning before breakfast, 5 days in a row.
Then make a break of 10 days, after which you will repeat the whole procedure.
You can use the treatment with breaks until you feel the need to lower your
body weight!
This beverage speeds up the process of burning fats and satisfies your daily
needs of vitamins and minerals for the whole organism.
The parsley improves the process of digestion and stimulates your organism to
discharge the excess of liquids and eliminate the flatulence.