In order to look good, we are ready to try different diets,
go to fitness classes, or search different ways to lose weight that can be
risky to our health. But all this gives the short-term effect.
There is a simple way to avoid all these torments and is
called- Body flex .You should practice 15 minutes a day for two weeks, so that
you can weaken and lose 15 centimeters in the waist, hips and thighs.
One of the most effective and internationally recognized
exercises is a system based on breathing exercises. This unusual weight loss
program was developed by a 53-year-old American Greer Childers. She succeeded
in regaining the desired number of 44, after the birth of three children.
If you do the Body flex exercises for 15 minutes every day,
you can:
- Lose weight without any diet or exhausting exercises
- Reduce your appetite
- Speed up the metabolism, improve blood circulation, strengthen lymphatic system
- Get rid of cellulite
- Rejuvenateandtighten the skinof the face andbody
- Boosts the energy level
- Improve thefunction of the digestivetract
- Normalize the menstrual cycle, you will get rid of PMS syndrome and painful menstruation
- Cleanse the body from toxins
- You will quit smoking, avoiding psychological stress and syndromeof gettingextra pounds
How does it work?
Body flex is based on breathing exercises. Body flex is very
simple. Breathing aperture nourishes the cells with oxygen, and the physical
exercises help to burn fat in specific areas. Exercises reinforce these effects
and make the muscles and the skin resilient. Body flex is suitable for people
of all ages, regardless of their physical form, because it does not require a
lot of work and it lasts 15-20 minutes.
Proper breathing during exercise stimulates weight loss, so
before you start to do the exercises, you need to learn how to breathe properly
in five stages:
- Exhale- You should exhale air from the lungs. While doing this you should pull in the stomach.
- Inhale-Afterexhaling, close your mouth andinhalesharplythrough the nose.Do thisThisbreathwillbe a little noisy, this is normal.
- Exhale- When you fill the lungs with air, raise your head and exhale the air. Work with your diaphragm. If you are doing thisproperly, it should sound likethe word “PAH”. Ifyou feel the needtocough, this is normal.
- Holding your breath- After that when you inhaled all the air, you should hold your breath for 8-10 seconds. During this time,pull thestomach, starting from upanddown.
- Inhale- Inhale and release the muscles.
When you learn how to breathe properly, you can start with
the exercises. But, for the first 3-4 days, you should do the breathing
exercises in the morning on an empty stomach that will last for 5-10 minutes
Rules for good results:
- The most important thing is breathing. Proper breathing technique is the key to success.
- The room in whichyou practicemust beventilated. Whendoing the exercises, the window must be open(because of the clean air thatyoubreathe).
- You should spend some time tolearnproper breathing, andafter that you can do theexercise.
- It
takes some time to learn to perform the breathing exercises.
You should not do the Body flex exercises in the
following cases:
- Severe cardiovasculardisease
- Cerebralaneurysm
- Afterspinal surgery(mustbe at leastone year)
- Implantsinthe spine
- Thepresenceof acuteinflammatory andinfectiousdiseases
- Cancer
- Bleeding
- Pregnancy
To sum up, we can say that the Body flex universal gym that
aids in losing weight, improves health and is suitable for people of all ages
and life rhythm.
In just two week exercise you can lose 15 centimeters in the
waist, hips and thighs. Also, Body flex will help you to get rid of cellulite
and give up smoking. Body flex is priceless – all body organs and systems will
begin to work properly. You will be healthier, more vigorous and younger.