In order to look good, we are ready to try different diets,
go to fitness classes, or search different ways to lose weight that can be
risky to our health. But all this gives the short-term effect.
Lazy bowel syndrome is usually the main reason for excess
fat around the stomach. Fatty deposits build up in the stomach and slow down
the detoxification of the body.
When practicing detoxification and purification of the body,
everything you intake in your body has to supply you with the essential
nutrients and to remove the toxins.
When you put on your bra, are you horrified to wear a fitted
shirt over it? Do you loathe the idea of putting on a bathing suit top because
of the bulge that appears on your back?
To have excess fat, especially belly fat is considered as
really harmful fat in your body and it is associated with many dangerous
diseases. And technically, it is not the fat you pinch that covering up your
Combining this drink with a balanced diet, will help you
obtain a flat belly. The biggest benefit is that you won’t have to starve in
order to burn fat.